DFSR not replicating some files


Recently we ran across and issue with some files not replicating across DFSR. when checking the logs there are no errors other files replicate with no issues.

(1) when I Looked at the file nor replicating using FSUTIL utility I see the File Attribute = 0x120

File Attributes is a bitmask.
0x100 (Temporary) and 0x20 (Archive) = 0x120 indicates the temporary attribute is set.

PS D:\temp> fsutil usn readdata myfile.pdf

Major Version : 0x2
Minor Version : 0x0
FileRef# : 0x011d00000000bc6e
Parent FileRef# : 0x0001000000000027
Usn : 0x0000000000000000
Time Stamp : 0x0000000000000000 12:00:00 AM 1/1/1601
Reason : 0x0
Source Info : 0x0
Security Id : 0x0
File Attributes : 0x120
File Name Length : 0x14
File Name Offset : 0x3c
FileName : myfile.pdf
PS D:\temp>

(2) Set the file attribute (remove Temporary attribute from file) using PowerShell.

PS D:\temp> $a = get-childitem myfile.pdf
PS D:\temp> $a.attributes  Archive, Temporary
PS D:\temp> $a.attributes = ($a.attributes -band 0xFEFF)
PS D:\temp> $a.attributes Archive

PS D:\temp> fsutil usn readdata myfile.pdf

Major Version : 0x2
Minor Version : 0x0
FileRef# : 0x011d00000000bc6e
Parent FileRef# : 0x0001000000000027
Usn : 0x0000000000000000
Time Stamp : 0x0000000000000000 12:00:00 AM 1/1/1601
Reason : 0x0
Source Info : 0x0
Security Id : 0x0
File Attributes : 0x20
File Name Length : 0x14
File Name Offset : 0x3c
FileName : myfile.pdf
PS D:\temp>

Once I removed the file attribute Temporary from the file and dropped the file back into DFS folder…it worked. The file will replicate now.